


Data Analyst

Austin, TX (able to relocate worldwide)




Python (and Python's libraries)



Microsoft Excel




University of Texas at Austin - Data Analytics Bootcamp
2020 - 2021

Throughout this six-month course, I learned different languages and tools, including Python, Python libraries ranging from Pandas to SciKit-Learn, SQL, MongoDB, Tableau, Plotly, JavaScript, HTML, and AWS. I created projects of increasing complexity which culminated in a capstone project involving a database, machine learning model, and a Tableau dashboard. The project centered around the evergrowing Austin housing market.

St. Edward's University
2012 - 2016

I graduated with a bachelor's degree in Criminology from St. Edward’s University. Along the way, I studied abroad in Chile for a summer semester. During this semester, I wrote a forty-page research capstone paper on a specific topic. I gathered viewpoints from both sides in both America and in Chile. In addition to this course, I took multiple research and statistical courses, thus laying a strong base for data analytics.

Work Experience

Campaign Staff / Pooja for Austin Campaign
Feb - Nov 2020

• Authored op-eds and blog posts for candidate on multiple issues, including the correlation between gun sales and COVID-19 lockdown; the writing has been published in law magazines and non-profit websites
• Conducted research on various issues impacting Austin and how to create change to benefit residents — data from this research was used to create marketing materials
• Assisted in researching for a report on firearm usage and mass shootings for Texas Gun Sense; the report was sent to Texas Governor Abbott and the Texas legislature
• Prioritized multiple duties in the most efficient and productive way including writing blog posts, communicating with voters, and data entry; the work resulted in at least twenty email signups.

Assistant III / Austin Community College
Dec 2019 - Jan 2020

• Utilized MS Excel to analyze data on various learning programs
• Devoted attention to detail while drafting a report to make a recommendation on a specific learning program; the report saved crucial time for the Information Technology (IT) department and was heavily praised by the dean of Computer Science and IT

Paralegal Assistant / The Law Offices of Pooja Sethi
Mar 2018 - June 2019

• Conducted in-depth research and wrote blog posts on various topics regarding immigration
• Assisted attorney in editing a book for publication
• Drafted intake forms used by clients to register for services